Since 1980
Centerstone Property Management
Real Estate Agency

Escape to San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge
Lombard Street
San Francisco, Oakland
Bay Bridge

Centerstone Property Management is a locally owned management company in the San Francisco Bay area. We provide residential rental management services to property owners and investors within an hour radius of San Francisco. We offer a management structure specifically designed to accommodate our owners needs for their rental property and we are built to handle all stages of the rental process. We take care of all property advertising, tenant screening, lease signing, managing funds from security deposits and rent, property maintenance, financial accounting/reporting, and tenant removal and collections, if necessary.
Real estate investment is fun. Forgetting about the financial risks and heavy logistics involved in the management of people and business and as an apartment company we enjoy dealing with our clients and likewise enjoy providing people who want to pay us for providing that need. We don't forget that we are working for both of you.
Centerstone is the best complete package for investments and management of apartments in San Francisco. Our roots early 1980's and our background comes from mathematics, construction, real estate, investment, accounting and property. We can inspect any apartment building in San Francisco and within 45 minutes tell what is wrong and right with the building physical aspects, tenants profile, and make management recommendations. We can recommend how you can start in real or how to expand your existing portfolio for future growth.
We welcome your business and friendship and will not abuse your trust in us.

Escape to the City: San Francisco
An engineering masterpiece, this bridge, built in 1937, towers with sturdy grace over the Golden Gate. Stretching over 4200 feet (1280 meters), it is every bit as awesome an accomplishment in suspension-bridge engineering today as it was over half a century ago. Pedestrians and bike riders can access the east entrance for a jaunt on one of the world's most famous corridors. For photos, or to view the bridge in its entirety, try the spectacular lookout points located at the southeast and northeast ends.

This picturesque stretch of Lombard Street has eight tight turns along a single block. They twist at very acute angles, making for very slow going if you are in a car. Although, oddly enough, cars were the reason for designing the street this way back in 1922, the idea being that this design would make it easier for them to negotiate the steep 16-percent grade. The drive is usually bumper-to-bumper and in the summertime, there is almost always a line of cars waiting to take the drive down. That being said, going for a stroll along this landmark is a good option, especially when the hydrangeas along the sidewalk are in bloom.
The eastern span replacement of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge is a construction project replacing an unsafe cantilever portion of the Bay Bridge with a new self-anchored suspension bridge (SAS) and a pair of viaducts. The new span is located in the U.S. state of California, and crosses the San Francisco Bay between Yerba Buena Island and Emeryville. It was built between 2002 and 2013, and does not have an official name other than that of the bridge as a whole. The eastern span replacement is the largest public works project in California history, with an estimated cost of $6.4 billion.Originally scheduled to open in 2007, several problems delayed the opening until September 2, 2013. It is currently the world's widest bridge, according to Guinness World Records.
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